UHS has earned a “Get With The Guidelines®-Heart Failure Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award” from the American Heart Association for implementing specific quality improvement measures in the care of patients with heart failure.
“Get with the Guidelines” is a national quality improvement endeavor that helps hospital teams follow the latest research-based standards for care and reducing hospital readmissions for people who have experienced heart failure. Launched in 2005, the program has been successful in improving outcomes and reducing 30-day readmissions.
UHS earned the award by meeting specific quality measures in diagnosis and treatment. These include evaluation of the patient and proper use of medications and aggressive risk-reduction therapies, such as ACE inhibitors/ARBs, beta-blockers, diuretics and anticoagulants.
Before patients are discharged, they also receive education on managing their heart failure and overall health, schedule a follow-up visit and learn about other transition interventions.
About 5.7 million adults in the United States suffer from heart failure, with the number expected to rise to eight million by 2030, the American Heart Association has reported. Statistics show that, each year, about 870,000 new cases are diagnosed, and about 50 percent of those individuals diagnosed will die within five years.
However, many heart failure patients can lead full, enjoyable lives when their condition is managed with the right medications or devices, along with lifestyle changes.
UHS has a specialized heart failure clinic to help patients manage their condition. Call the UHS Heart & Vascular Institute at 763-6580 to learn more.