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Have a Safe Fall


The UHS Concussion Center can help

While a concussion can occur from falls or impacts of any type, seasonal contact sports like football and hockey bring a rise in the number of concussions seen at hospitals. The UHS Concussion Center takes a multidisciplinary approach to concussions, bringing together in one location the experts needed to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate those who have sustained a concussion.


For more information about concussion and youth sports, come to Concussion Awareness Night at Binghamton Senators game on October 19. Center specialists will host a lecture for youth hockey coaches and parents followed by a Q&A session. Providers will be available at a booth on the concourse during the game for one-on-one questions about concussion and Center services.

According to Rick Boland, unit coordinator, UHS Concussion Center, the center offers a comprehensive service for any patient who has sustained a concussion. “What we offer is unique to the area. A doctor and other specialists administer neuropsychology tests, an ImPACT test, return-to-play test, physical therapy exam and other tests in order to diagnose and individually treat each case,” Mr. Boland says. Brian Wood, MD, directs the team of healthcare professionals.

Mr. Boland adds that the center maintains working relationships with most of the area schools and offers sports team or group baseline testing. Baseline testing for athletes consists of a series of computerized tests that show pre-injury neurological and cognitive functioning. A baseline test typically takes only 30-40 minutes and offers an important measure should the athlete become concussed during his or her sport. If you would like the Concussion Center to participate in an event for your group or sports team, call them at 762-2048.


Whether mild or severe, concussion requires prompt treatment. If you think you may have a concussion, seek treatment immediately.