In order to educate the Broome County community about the effectiveness and recommendations surrounding colorectal cancer screenings and other prevention efforts, the UHS Oncology Committee offered a free Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program in 2018. This program took the form of a seminar presented by UHS experts covering the advantages of screening, the likelihood of earlier diagnosis producing better outcomes, changes in screening preparation that make it easier to manage, surgical interventions including chemotherapy and minimally invasive techniques, and the role genetics and family history play in colorectal cancer risk. A total of 22 community members attended the Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program. In August 2018, UHS provided 60 individuals in Broome County who were in need of colorectal cancer screenings with free screenings, and all patients with positive results received appropriate follow-up care.
Addressing Colorectal Cancer
- UHS diagnoses colorectal cancer at an overall earlier stage than other community cancer centers, providing better outcomes.
- 30% of the UHS Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program attendees improved their knowledge on colon cancer prevention.
- In New York state, colorectal cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women combined.

©2018 National Cancer Database (NCDB) / Commission on Cancer (CoC)
UHS is designated as a Comprehensive Community Cancer Program by the American College of Surgeons. When comparing to all other Comprehensive Cancer Centers in New York state, UHS diagnosed a greater percentage of colorectal cancer cases at earlier, more treatable stages due to an aggressive screening program.